Victory Park
A neighborhood within a neighborhood, Victory is quickly changing with a boom of creativity and ingenuity to have its own distinct identity within the greater Uptown neighborhood. From catching a concert or ball game at the AAC, embracing your inner cinephile at Cinepolis, to dining at one of Victory’s eating establishment or meandering through the district after a hike on Dallas’s Katy Trail, Victory has it all for the local consumer.
Over 400,000SF of GLA with 30,000 residents within 1 mile and almost 150,000 daytime employees Victory has truly emerged to be its own distinct district within Dallas’s vibrant retail landscape.
Rand W. Horowitz
214-242-5444 (Direct)
214-960-4545 (Office)
Ross Golman
214-960-4315 (Direct)
214-960-4545 (Office)
Rachel Tomlinson
972-430-2962 (Direct)
214-960-4545 (Office)